La tour de Mardogne
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Route opened

On fait un bond dans le temps à côté de la tour de l'ancien château de Mardogne construit au 12e et 13e siècle qui finit en ruine suite à un incendie en 1720. Au passage on profite d'une superbe vue sur la plaine de Neussargues et le Massif Cantalien.

The characteristics of the route.
Joursac (15)
  • Distance 3.6 km
  • Elevation gain 120 m
  • Elevation lost 120 m
  • Min. elevation 871 m
  • Max. elevation. 978 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 1h30
  • Marking Yes

Marking : Blue signposting. Suitable for mountain bikes (duration: 25 minutes).
Equipments : Free car park, Car park,
Good plans : -For your safety, please check the weather forecast before setting off on your hike. -To preserve the environment in which you are located, please avoid leaving garbage in nature. -Remember to take the appropriate equipment for the weather conditions and the hiking itinerary (hiking boots, water bottle, cap, sunglasses, jacket...).

Delicate passages : Access to the Tower prohibited

Admission fee : Free access.

Opening : All year round. Subject to favorable weather.
Read before you go!
Access to the Tower prohibited
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Neussargues en Pinatelle
Vors Marie-Christine - Gîte de la Fontaine
Neussargues en Pinatelle
